Hazrat Hasan Basri (R.A.) found Hazrat Rabia Basri (R.A.) sitting by the bank of the river. He unrolled a prayer rug (Janamaaz) , and placed it upon the water, where it remained, without being wetted, solid as if upon the land.
Hazrat Hassan stepped upon the rug, saying, "Rabia', come, let us make prayer in praise of the Most High!".
Hazrat Rabia' picked up a straw mat next to her and, with a quick gesture, unrolled it in the air, where it stayed floating without the slightest tremor. a yard above the ground.
"Hassan," she said, "what you have done, a fish could do. What I have done, could be done by a fly. Let us now be serious, and be about the work Allah gave to human beings..."